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Monday, March 16, 2015

KU Leuven University, Belgium

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
The KU Leuven is an unequivocally research-situated college. Among its numerous awards is to be figured among the top colleges of Europe. In the 2014-2015 Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) college positioning, the KU Leuven was positioned 55th on the planet and thirteenth in Europe, making it the most elevated positioned college from the low nations (Netherland, Belgium and Luxembourg) in any grouping. Its current 2014 Globe University rank is 82nd. KU Leuven Law School as of now positions 26th in the world.
In the 2014-2015 Academic Year, 55,484 understudies were going to classes at the 15 staffs of the KU Leuven, 9,930 of whom were outside understudies, a hefty portion of whom had the capacity take after courses offered in English.  Most courses, in any case, are taught in Dutch. The KU Leuven is an individual from the Coimbra Group (a system of driving European colleges) and in addition of the LERU Group (League of European Research Universities). Since  2014, KU Leuven's field of Economics and Business is authorize by European Quality Improvement System, which is a main accreditation framework spend significant time in advanced education organizations of administration and business administration.
Since August 2013, the college has been driven by Rik Torfs who supplanted previous minister Mark Waer. The Belgian archbishop,André-Joseph Léonard is the current Grand Chancellor and an individual from the college board.
The KU Leuven is devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus, under her customary quality as 'Seat of Wisdom', and arranges a yearly festival on 2 February in her respect. On that day, the college additionally grants its privileged doctorates. The sealused by the college demonstrates the medieval statue of the Sedes Sapientiae, Leuven, in a vesica piscis shape. Regardless of its Catholic starting point, the college invites understudies from diverse confidence groups.

In Flanders, the KU Leuven has a Catholic root, while the University of Ghent and the University of Antwerp are authoritatively impartial on issues of religious/philosophical introduction, and the Free University of Brussels is open-minded.
Arranged in Belgium, in the heart of Western Europe, KU Leuven has been an inside of learning for about six centuries. Today, it is Belgium's biggest college and, established in 1425, one of the most seasoned and most eminent colleges in Europe. As a main European research college and fellow benefactor of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), KU Leuven offers a wide assortment of worldwide expert's projects, all bolstered by high caliber, creative, interdisciplinary exploration.
Since its establishing, KU Leuven has been situated in the city that imparts its name. Leuven is an average, sheltered and clamoring understudy town, where hundreds of years rich history meets front line science. The college additionally offers degree programs at grounds in 11 Belgian urban areas, including Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp.
A college is a wellspring of creative examination, however significant exploration results and information frequently go undiscovered. Research valorisation – making monetary and social esteem through examination – is getting to be progressively vital and ought to be supported, dependably with due admiration to the opportunity of the analyst. Different subsidizing channels are accessible for exploration valorisation. Leuven Research and Development (LRD) coordinates information and innovation exchange at KU Leuven.The Industrial Research Fund (IOF) gives backing to scientists at organizations inside the KU Leuven Association for imaginative examination of both mechanical and societal significance. The IOF serves as an inward impetus and extension developer for exploration activities with an agreeable valorisation direction.
The between college consortia recorded underneath, composed under the 2012-2015 Policy Research Center Program, conduct strategy pertinent research in fields and subjects of need significance to the Flemish Government. The project is financed with structural trusts from the Flemish Government and has a yearly plan of give or take 14 million euro. KU Leuven analysts lead or take an interest in 19 of the Policy Research Center Program's consortia. Leuven.Inc (Leuven Innovation Networking Circle) is a multidisciplinary organizing stage for developing innovation organizations in the Flemish district and past. Leuven.Inc composes an extensive variety of themed occasions, classes and business person get-togethers, and means to make an imaginative system for the development of important organizations.
With 55,484 understudies in 2014–2015, the KU Leuven is the biggest college in Belgium and the Low Countries. Notwithstanding its essential grounds in Leuven, it has satellite grounds in Kortrijk ('KULAK'), Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, , Diepenbeek, Ostend,  Aalst and in Belgium's capital Brussels. The college now additionally offers a few projects in English. Starting 2014, KU Leuven positions as 55th all inclusive as per Times Higher Education, 82nd as per QS World University Rankings and 96th as indicated by the Academic Ranking of World Universities.  KU Leuven is reliably thought to be inside the main 100 colleges of the world and in conflict with Ghent University as the best Belgian.

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